21 results

  • Detailing For Distance featured image

    Detailing For Distance

    Quickly exceeding new facade service life expectations for tall buildings imposed by increasing environmental, economic, and social pressures have…
  • Architectural Ceramic Assemblies featured image

    Architectural Ceramic Assemblies

    This paper documents a six year academia/industry collaboration between researchers at the Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo (SUNY)…
  • Facade Design Beyond Buildings

    At the core of facade design is the concept of interdisciplinarity, a bridge between concept and materialization apt to relay a built form…
  • Adaptive Facades featured image

    Adaptive Facades

    Facade engineering aims at appropriately balancing the demands imposed by the context and the capabilities inherent to the materials, the geometries…
  • Active and Energy Autonomous Window featured image

    Active and Energy Autonomous Window

    Reducing GHG emissions related to energy use in buildings is a prominent obligation given their impact in terms of climate change. In this light,…
  • Mixed Reality in Facade Education

    Developments in performative computational analysis, mass customization, and complex form manipulation revolutionized building envelope design

  • Lithic Revival

    The recently completed Capital One Hall performing arts center located in the Washington DC metro area is defined by a pleated exterior of glass and

  • European Facade Networks featured image

    European Facade Networks

    The European climate and energy targets for 2020 demand significant improvement of the energy performance of buildings since one third of the…
  • Historical Evolution of Responsive Facades

    Responsive facade system is considered a major component of high-performance building envelope that is capable of responding to environmental stimuli

  • Envelope For Service

    Envelope-for-Service (E4S) is a novel business model developed with the aim of converting the building façade from a traditionally traded good to a

  • City Development and Cladding Design

    High-rise buildings in growing cities could become more vulnerable to variations in wind flow due to the continuous changes in urban topology. The

  • Thermoelectric Facades

    This article discusses design, prototype development and a simulation study of novel types of facade systems, which integrate thermoelectric (TE)

  • Retroreflective Coating for Window Blinds

    Solar shading devices are required to find a trade-off between conflicting requirements: Protection from excessive solar gains and glare, daylight

  • Digital Lifecycle of Building Envelopes featured image

    Digital Lifecycle of Building Envelopes

    “The digital transformation will change everything” – with this quote in mind a deep look into the current facade business will be given with a…
  • Prototyping with Ultra-Thin Glass

    This paper proposes system concepts and fabrication methods for the use of ultra-thin glass in facades. It documents the team's research on

  • Design and Energy Analysis

    Integration and interoperability between Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Building Energy Modeling (BEM) tools pose major challenges for the…
  • Design Principles For Museum Daylight Systems

    This research unlocks the relationship between space, structure and light in nine unique museums developed by architect Renzo Piano. Renzo Piano uses

  • Investigating Heat Development in Shadow Box Façade Systems

    The prevalence of fully glazed facades in modern office buildings has been steadily increasing, primarily driven by architects' focus on aesthetic…
  • HydroSKIN featured image


    Building envelopes cover a considerable part of the urban exterior surfaces, and to therefore have a significant leverage effect on the climate…