30 results

  • Hardened Facades Effects on Structural Systems

    To ensure the safety of U.S diplomatic personnel overseas, the U.S Department of State (DoS) has developed facade retrofits capable of resisting high

  • Introducing FacadeRetrofit.org

    FacadeRetrofit.org is an online resource for the AEC community, from architects to academic researchers. At the heart of this resource is a database of large commercial and multifamily buildings that have, or are currently undergoing, building facade retrofits.

  • Adaptable Glazing Shields

    Today, about 40% of all buildings in the U.S. still have single-pane windows, and ~70% of the existing building stock is estimated to suffer from

  • Retrofit Options for Historic Facades

    Building design criteria requires that government buildings be designed for a variety of extreme loads including blast, hurricane, and impact

  • Challenges of Tall Iconic Building Retrofit

    Change happens, for better or for worse, to all living and physical matter. In order to thrive and achieve longevity, we constantly need to adapt to

  • Fit for the Future

    Wearables protect us from climatic conditions, they provide privacy, comfort and they also reflect our style and personality. Building facades in the

  • Preserving a Historic Facade

    Environmental and socio-economic benefits of sustainable preservation have become apparent most recently in the restoration of the historic former

  • Wind-Borne Debris Impacts on Façades

    Climate change effects are causing an increase in extreme wind events’ frequency and severity, worldwide. Regions that previously were not prone to

  • Detailing For Distance

    Quickly exceeding new facade service life expectations for tall buildings imposed by increasing environmental, economic, and social pressures have

  • Seismic Movements

    A common building upgrade to add value to existing commercial real estate is the renewal of the entrance lobby. The lobby facade is replaced to give

  • When Facades Kill

    The tragic fire of June 14, 2017 at the Grenfell Tower in London, England has brought to a very public global forum issues related to the impact of

  • Doubling Mies

    Mies van der Rohe’s concurrently designed projects for Commonwealth Promenade Apartments (1953-1956) and the Esplanade Apartments (1953-1957), saw

  • Vintage Vinyl

    Mid-century through 1980’s buildings with lock-strip or “zipper-gasket” glazing systems are an ever present part of the urban landscape in many

  • Optimized Adaptive Re-Use

    Contemporary building practice represents a disconnect between traditional manufacturing techniques, that favor straight runs and orthogonal

  • Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage Façades

    With the developments in production, industrial facilities lost their function and were abandoned over time. The most frequent and often the most