9 results

  • No timid steps: Be bold and generous!

    ...the design and construction industries are notoriously resistant to change, putting them on a collision course with the many cities, states, and provinces that are moving ahead of national standards in keeping with declared intentions to dramatically cut their carbon emissions this decade.

  • Environmental Facade Perspective

    Designing a sustainable rainscreen wall assembly has become an essential part of most new construction projects. Industry principles and energy codes

  • Blurred Edges

    Sealed indoor environments have created artificial, homogeneous ecosystems that sever ties between humans and the natural world. This paper…
  • Facade Embodied Carbon Reduction Strategies

    Facades are increasingly being recognized as a major contributor to whole-building embodied carbon. While designers know how to reduce the embodied

  • The Monash Woodside Building featured image

    The Monash Woodside Building

    Today’s environmental challenges highlight the necessity of a holistic approach to façade design and construction, key to achieve the ambitious 2030…