192 results

  • Carbon-Neutral High-Rise Envelope Nexus

    The pathway to carbon-neutrality, as urged during the COP 21 in Paris, and the repeated goal for resilient buildings and urban habitats, winds right…
  • Orientation Specific Solar Control

    During the postwar era, and before the universal adoption of air-conditioning in the United States, leading architects participated in the design of

  • Duplex Stainless Steel Cladding featured image

    Duplex Stainless Steel Cladding

    It was a challenging design problem: supply a sustainable material for roofing, soffit and fascia panels that would perform in close proximity to the…
  • Academic Wood Tower Choreography

    With an ever-growing interest in mid- and high-rise mass timber construction, this paper highlights the insights and lessons learned across global

  • Hybrid Timber

    This case study provides an overview of building hybrid curtain wall system and future opportunities for the use of timber. It will also review the

  • Mapping Advanced Facades

    This paper describes the development of an interactive map that highlights case studies of advanced facade design strategies and technologies from…
  • Heat-actuated Auxetic Facades

    Highly transformable materials can be used as adaptive exterior shading systems by leveraging the relationship between external stimuli (heat) and

  • Multi Layer Facades

    The history of high performance facades and glazing has been a tale of attempting to manage the conflicting requirements of, on one hand inviting

  • Orbit Tower

    While most of high-rise buildings feature a core surrounded by a spatial frame defining the volume, one could envision a column-free plan where the

  • Translation from Concept to Construction

    Fidelity between the built enclosure and early visualizations is rarely, if ever, an accident. When achieved, it comes as the result of persistent

  • Glass in GSA Buildings

    Embodied carbon in buildings is a key factor in building decarbonization and while it is generally small compared to operational carbon, the…
  • U-Factor Matters in Hot Climates

    It is commonly thought that fenestration U-factor is not a key determinant in the performance of facades in hot climates, and generally the focus of

  • The Monash Woodside Building

    Today’s environmental challenges highlight the necessity of a holistic approach to façade design and construction, key to achieve the ambitious 2030

  • EUI of Building Clusters

    Large master planned developments such as Battery Park City in Manhattan, Mission Bay in San Francisco, and Playa Vista in Los Angeles were built

  • Edge Lighting Glazing with Hidden Fixtures featured image

    Edge Lighting Glazing with Hidden Fixtures

    Dynamic architectural lighting in urban areas is a key element in creating attractive nighttime icons in addition to potentially generating…
  • Direct Sun and Occupant Comfort featured image

    Direct Sun and Occupant Comfort

    Direct sun on the body is a known potential cause of thermal discomfort for occupants, yet most thermal comfort simulations do not capture its…
  • DC Water Headquarters Case Study

    Facades must be responsive to a myriad of qualities and influences ranging from urban impact and aesthetic character to numerous performance