143 results

  • Realizing Bespoke Structural Glass Facades

    In the very earliest stages of a design, an architect imagines a unique glazed facade form and wonders, “Is this possible?” and “What will it cost?”

  • Determination of Interlayer Structural Properties for Use in Laminated Glass Design featured image

    Determination of Interlayer Structural Properties for Use in Laminated Glass Design

    <p>We have seen rapid expansion in the last decade of laminated glass design using modern analytical and computational methods. Essential to the…

  • The Scope of the Structural Glass Design Manual

    <p>The technology of glass now allows glass to be fabricated in sizes and structural configurations not previously conceivable. The standards and…

  • Consistency In Glass Design

    <p>Glass structural elements have become increasingly common to the point of ubiquity; however, there currently is no universally recognized and…

  • Glass Strength Under Point Loading featured image

    Glass Strength Under Point Loading

    <p>Structural glass is used in a range of building applications, and while the ASTM E1300 has recently been updated to provide a design method to…

  • Advances in Effective Thickness featured image

    Advances in Effective Thickness

    <p>Effective thickness is a simplified method for the structural evaluation of laminated glass section properties. The method consists of defining…

  • Localized Rigidification of PCM Envelopes featured image

    Localized Rigidification of PCM Envelopes

    <p>This is an experimental and computational exploration of structural systems that transform between states of rigidity and flexibility. The goal is…

  • Design Digital Recipes featured image

    Design Digital Recipes

    <p>Precision in digital workflow is necessary to deliver facade projects where there is a high design aesthetic or structural performance…

  • Ballistic and Blast Integrated Design featured image

    Ballistic and Blast Integrated Design

    <p>Increased security needs have led to a demand in enhanced curtain wall facade performance. In addition to thermal, acoustic, and structural…

  • Sustainable Materials featured image

    Sustainable Materials

    <p>Stainless steel has been successfully used in building envelopes since the completion of the Chrysler building in 1928. Today, it is used as both…

  • Facade Embodied Carbon Reduction Strategies

    Facades are increasingly being recognized as a major contributor to whole-building embodied carbon. While designers know how to reduce the embodied

  • Ceramic Precast Composite Panels featured image

    Ceramic Precast Composite Panels

    <p>An innovative lightweight ceramic precast composite panel is introduced in this paper that offers the unique benefits of prefabricated off-site…

  • Sustainable Silicone featured image

    Sustainable Silicone

    <p>Silicone materials have a long history in high performance building projects. Known for durability, they can reduce a building’s carbon footprint…

  • Thermal Stress Analysis in Glass

    <p>The use of glass in windows and curtain walls in residential as well as in commercial buildings needs to be designed very carefully. In addition…

  • DC Water Headquarters Case Study

    Facades must be responsive to a myriad of qualities and influences ranging from urban impact and aesthetic character to numerous performance

  • Blast Performance

    <p>Designing for blast performance for glazing units can be very complex. The test methods for evaluating performance include subjecting units to…

  • EVA Interlayers in Hardened Facades

    <p>Explosions can result in very high loads of extremely short durations. Protective design to mitigate the effects of blast loading requires façade…

  • Developments in Gridshell Design featured image

    Developments in Gridshell Design

    <p>In 1959 Heinz Isler challenged the world of concrete shell design by proposing a series of shapes for shells that were very different from what…

  • Designing with Photovoltaics featured image

    Designing with Photovoltaics

    <p>Photovoltaics (PV) have been utilized in buildings for decades, especially in Europe where legislative support has largely driven the market. With…