338 results

  • Green Façade/Roofs Design Tool

    Climate change and related thermal issues, draw attention to the impact of green facades and roofs on energy savings and thermal comfort. Besides, by

  • A Burning Question Revisited featured image

    A Burning Question Revisited

    <p>In recent decades the use of unitized glazing systems has become increasingly common especially for high-rise construction. The opaque panels in…

  • Environmental Facade Perspective

    Designing a sustainable rainscreen wall assembly has become an essential part of most new construction projects. Industry principles and energy codes

  • Facade Maintenance Access

    Facades are an architectural feature and an integral part of the building enclosure. To ensure that the facades continue their function, they must be

  • Smart Colored Window Technology

    Traditional architecture can be a valuable source of inspiration for designers. Sustainable design concepts in traditional architecture have been

  • The Facade and Energy Codes

    Ever-increasing performance requirements in the latest version of the energy codes are compelling project teams to consider the thermal performance

  • Case Study: Renovation of Fountain Place

    Fountain Place is a project that exemplifies the latest technology and applications in building skin design and jumbo structural glass applications,

  • Insulating Glass Unit Gas Loss

    <p>Concerns over time-dependent argon permeation through the perimeter edge seals of insulating glass units (IGUs) led the authors to utilize two…

  • Thermal Bridging and Building Facades

    Thermal bridging through building façades have been overlooked by designers and building energy codes and standards in the past, which has led to

  • Low-Carbon Cladding and Shading Design

    In the last few years, the design community has embraced the challenge of reducing embodied carbon in buildings. Several tools are now available for

  • The Carbon Footprint of Aluminum Fenestration

    The historical focus on reducing the carbon footprint of a building has recently shifted to include more emphasis on embodied carbon, the carbon

  • Transparent Aerogel Window

    Incorporating a novel, transparent monolithic aerogel into insulated glass units (IGUs) for windows and building enclosures will provide the

  • Comparison of Historical Weathered Annealed Glass Failure Data to ASTM E1300

    Historical published weathered annealed failure data consisting of 13 samples were collected and glass failure prediction model surface flaw

  • Façade Systems and Embodied Carbon

    Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a methodology used to quantify the impact of building construction supply chains on the environment in terms of

  • Sculptural Facades

    In the vein of mass production, manufacturers leverage repeatable parts and modular construction in an effort to maximize quality control while

  • Control Tower Glass Design

    ASTM published the first version of ASTM E2461-05: Standard Practice for Determining the Thickness of Glass in Airport Traffic Control Tower Cabs in

  • Fixed Edge Supports

    Model building codes and standards in the United States use a probabilistic model to define glass load resistance (LR). In general, these model

  • Spandrel Glass Design

    Currently, most spandrel glass in commercial curtain walls comprises insulating glass fabricated using an interior heat strengthened glass lite that