468 results

  • Towards A Data Driven Fabrication Process

    Today's evolving digital tools allow designers to be more creative in designing new forms and geometries. Adapting similar tools to the fabrication

  • Carbon-Neutral High-Rise Envelope Nexus

    The pathway to carbon-neutrality, as urged during the COP 21 in Paris, and the repeated goal for resilient buildings and urban habitats, winds right

  • Cool precast concrete enclosure studies from Washington U. in St. Louis

    Precast Concrete Enclosures is an elective course taught by Assistant Professor Pablo Moyano Fernandez at Washington University in St. Louis. The primary goal of the course is to enable students to envision and materialize full-scale building envelopes using precast concrete.

  • The Circadian Curtain Wall by John Neary

    Reviewing John Neary's Circadian Curtain Wall, one is confronted with an insistent question: why hasn't anyone started construction on this intriguing building design yet? John has provided FTI with a presentation to explain the thinking behind the Circadian Curtain Wall in greater detail.

  • Iconic Buildings

    The iconic building principal incentive is to be visually attractive or stand out, for this purpose three main features must be accomplished: have a

  • Simplicity is Deceiving

    The case study presented is a 195 meters tall office tower with a raised podium made of 16 meters full height glass panels (and smaller). The panels

  • Green Wall Rainscreen

    Green Wall applications are growing in popularity around the world. Often thought of as a decorative element they provide much more than aesthetic

  • Thermal Stress Analysis in Glass

    The use of glass in windows and curtain walls in residential as well as in commercial buildings needs to be designed very carefully. In addition to

  • No timid steps: Be bold and generous!

    ...the design and construction industries are notoriously resistant to change, putting them on a collision course with the many cities, states, and provinces that are moving ahead of national standards in keeping with declared intentions to dramatically cut their carbon emissions this decade.

  • Heat-Treated Glass

    What was once an accepted reality in heat-treated exterior glass, optical disturbances in glass are under increasing scrutiny by developers,

  • 3rd Annual ACAW Ceramic Workshop 2018 Recap

    2018 teams included; Morphosis, SHoP Architects, Sasaki/Studio NYL, University at Buffalo, AECOM, and Radical Matter. The ACAWorkshop is an outstanding model of industry-academia partnership aimed at the ongoing education of students and practitioners alike.

  • Challenges of Tall Iconic Building Retrofit

    Change happens, for better or for worse, to all living and physical matter. In order to thrive and achieve longevity, we constantly need to adapt to