85 results

  • Printed Facades? Cases of Additive Manufacturing in the Building Envelope

    This paper, written by a team at the Technical University at Darmstadt, uses examples of 3D printed structural glass, reinforced thin-sheet façade panels, and nesting bricks that can be integrated directly into facades to support work successful industrial applications.

  • Digital Medium, Tangible Message

    The reaches of architecture are inherently linked to the efficacy of communication, and as emerging technology broadens the conceptual horizon of the

  • Digital Enablement for Manufacturing

    Architectural design freedom achieved on high-end projects currently costs over $1,000/sq. Ft. Building materials have long been relegated to plane

  • Honing the Craft

    Finishing of custom-fabricated architectural façade components represents one of the most significant components to their cost. Manually driven

  • Differentiated Building Skin

    The Los Angeles Stadium’s doubly curved skin is composed of over 35,000 unique triangular panels covering 296,502 square feet of surface area. The

  • Patchwork

    It may be difficult for modern man to believe that what is known as handicraft was once the advanced manufacturing of the day. These techniques were

  • The Carapace Pavilion

    The Carapace Pavilion is a university-based, design-build, full-scale custom prototype for a possible replacement of the standard precast concrete

  • Managing Constraints featured image

    Managing Constraints

    On a commercial high-rise tower project located in Hong Kong, the design team was challenged to make a facade that would beneficial to tenants with a…
  • Developments in Gridshell Design

    In 1959 Heinz Isler challenged the world of concrete shell design by proposing a series of shapes for shells that were very different from what most

  • Mastery of Measurement

    The conventional approach to specifying dimensional tolerances in architecture and construction is inadequate in the theater of premanufacturing

  • Corrugated-geometry Copper and Glass Facade

    The subject of this case study is the design and construction of a custom corrugated-geometry facade featuring pre-patinated copper and glass for an

  • Realizing Bespoke Structural Glass Facades featured image

    Realizing Bespoke Structural Glass Facades

    In the very earliest stages of a design, an architect imagines a unique glazed facade form and wonders, “Is this possible?” and “What will it cost?”…
  • Digital Lifecycle of Building Envelopes featured image

    Digital Lifecycle of Building Envelopes

    “The digital transformation will change everything” – with this quote in mind a deep look into the current facade business will be given with a…