26 results

  • Embodied Carbon Of Timber Unitized Curtain Wall

    The building envelope is at the intersection of embodied and operational emissions. Curtain wall specifically could play an important role in

  • Facade Embodied Carbon Reduction Strategies

    Facades are increasingly being recognized as a major contributor to whole-building embodied carbon. While designers know how to reduce the embodied…
  • Addressing Embodied Carbon featured image

    Addressing Embodied Carbon

    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector is critical to limiting global temperature rise to less than 1.5⁰C. Construction and…
  • Façade Systems and Embodied Carbon featured image

    Façade Systems and Embodied Carbon

    Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a methodology used to quantify the impact of building construction supply chains on the environment in terms of…
  • Glass in GSA Buildings

    Embodied carbon in buildings is a key factor in building decarbonization and while it is generally small compared to operational carbon, the…
  • Pioneering the Structural Terracotta Mullion Façade featured image

    Pioneering the Structural Terracotta Mullion Façade

    Architects today must explore alternative enclosure materials to meet evolving energy codes and embodied carbon regulations. Terra cotta has been…
  • Low-Carbon Cladding and Shading Design featured image

    Low-Carbon Cladding and Shading Design

    In the last few years, the design community has embraced the challenge of reducing embodied carbon in buildings. Several tools are now available for…
  • The Carbon Footprint of Aluminum Fenestration

    The historical focus on reducing the carbon footprint of a building has recently shifted to include more emphasis on embodied carbon, the carbon

  • Towards Net Zero Enclosures featured image

    Towards Net Zero Enclosures

    As architects and designers we understand the urgency of addressing the building sector’s role in the ongoing environmental crisis. Architecture2030…
  • Contextualizing Glass and Carbon Impacts

    Climate change goals will require significant improvements in the way buildings are constructed and operated. Building reuse can combat climate…
  • Prefab Facades – from Prototype to Product? featured image

    Prefab Facades – from Prototype to Product?

    Building envelopes are not only an immediately visible part of the building, they have also become a major factor both for cost and performance of…
  • End-of-Life Challenges in Facade Design

    In recent decades, there has been increased attention to reduce the operational energy performance of buildings. Stringent legislation on building

  • Bringing an Icon Into the Future: Willis Tower featured image

    Bringing an Icon Into the Future: Willis Tower

    Few buildings are as iconic as Willis Tower. Generations of Chicagoans have a collective memory of this building playing a role in their entire…
  • Sustainable Façades

    Transposing innovation from government funded research to commercially viable solutions becomes ever more important when combined with the urgent…
  • Mapping Advanced Facades

    This paper describes the development of an interactive map that highlights case studies of advanced facade design strategies and technologies from…
  • Fire Safety and Code Challenges for Mass Timber in Curtain Wall Systems featured image

    Fire Safety and Code Challenges for Mass Timber in Curtain Wall Systems

    With the desire for more sustainable construction and reduced embodied energy, mass timber is being explored for building structures. For medium and…
  • Evaluating The Environmental Performance Of Stick Curtain Wall Systems

    The construction industry is one of the greatest sources of pollution, where 39% of global energy-related carbon emissions are attributed to…
  • Carbon-Neutral High-Rise Envelope Nexus

    The pathway to carbon-neutrality, as urged during the COP 21 in Paris, and the repeated goal for resilient buildings and urban habitats, winds right…
  • Structuring Skin

    Curtain wall is the prevailing type of enclosure on modern buildings because of its economy, its independence from structure that allows flexibility