Facades Education in the United States
This paper presents the results of a research study, outlining the state of facades education at higher-education institutions across the United
This paper presents the results of a research study, outlining the state of facades education at higher-education institutions across the United
<p>Globalization in the construction industry has brought about new demands for buildings and construction projects, new demands that still need to…
<p>With facades becoming increasingly more complex, and performance a key objective, expertise becomes an important component of successful design…
<p>Developments in performative computational analysis, mass customization, and complex form manipulation revolutionized building envelope design…
Today, there is a shift towards sustainable simplicity in facades, embracing material innovations and thermal design strategies for long-term
<p>This paper surveys facade design education in accredited Bachelor and Master of Architecture (B.Arch and M.Arch) programs in the United States. A…
<p>Nowadays, the power of images is seductive. Bold and complex facades often have an innovative appearance but superficial tectonic depth;…
<p>Glass is an essential component for any type of building. Its transparency enhances daylighting and provides occupants a view to the outside.…
The architectural facade, like clothing for a building's form, serves as both an aesthetic expression and a protective veil, concealing the inner
<p>The global increase in atmospheric temperature rise combined with the rapid growth of previously underdeveloped climate zones presents a growing…
<p>This paper documents a six year academia/industry collaboration between researchers at the Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo…
<p>The European climate and energy targets for 2020 demand significant improvement of the energy performance of buildings since one third of the…
<p>The paper will try to study the impact of window opening on waiting room experience of patients in an eye hospital along with their attendants. As…
<p>Today’s environmental challenges highlight the necessity of a holistic approach to façade design and construction, key to achieve the ambitious…
<p>Over the past two decades, the art of cold-forming glass has grown from an unknown approach to a widely accepted strategy for achieving an array…
<p>The Parametric Louver System is a customized tool that expedites several design iterations while embedding multiple design parameters. The…
<p>As facades become more sophisticated and complex, more detail-intensive and performance-critical, it's vital that architecture students develop a…
<p>Designing a sustainable rainscreen wall assembly has become an essential part of most new construction projects. Industry principles and energy…
Small towns are dying, and it is not just because of their dwindling economies. The physical fabric of our communities is literally crumbling. A
This paper will focus on the design and detailing of large-format glass enclosures intended to maximize transparency using state-of-the-art materials