5 results

  • Honing the Craft

    Finishing of custom-fabricated architectural façade components represents one of the most significant components to their cost. Manually driven

  • Digital Enablement for Manufacturing featured image

    Digital Enablement for Manufacturing

    Architectural design freedom achieved on high-end projects currently costs over $1,000/sq. Ft. Building materials have long been relegated to plane…
  • Towards A Data Driven Fabrication Process featured image

    Towards A Data Driven Fabrication Process

    Today's evolving digital tools allow designers to be more creative in designing new forms and geometries. Adapting similar tools to the fabrication…
  • Differentiated Building Skin featured image

    Differentiated Building Skin

    The Los Angeles Stadium’s doubly curved skin is composed of over 35,000 unique triangular panels covering 296,502 square feet of surface area. The…
  • United States Olympic and Paralympic Museum

    Advanced fabrication processes combined with parametric 3D modeling give designers and architects the freedom and versatility to push the boundaries