6 results

  • Spandrel Thermal Simulation Techniques

    Glazed wall systems, such as curtain walls and window walls, are one of the most commonly used façade systems in modern buildings in North America.

  • 3D thermal modelling of complex facades

    Today’s building enclosures face ever greater demands regarding their thermal performance. In cold climates, the required total U-value of the façade

  • Advanced Simulation for Thermal Stress Assessment

    In recent years, the desire for increased performance, transparency and visual flatness of glazing elements in curtain walls has generated renewed

  • Thermal Bridging and Building Facades featured image

    Thermal Bridging and Building Facades

    Thermal bridging through building façades have been overlooked by designers and building energy codes and standards in the past, which has led to…
  • Design Principles For Museum Daylight Systems featured image

    Design Principles For Museum Daylight Systems

    This research unlocks the relationship between space, structure and light in nine unique museums developed by architect Renzo Piano. Renzo Piano uses…
  • Glazed Spandrels

    Recent years have seen an increased use of insulated glazing units in spandrel applications to visually blend the appearance between the vision and