The Scope of the Structural Glass Design Manual
A voluntary specification and design guide - contents.
Presented on October 10, 2024 at Facade Tectonics 2024 World Congress
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The technology of glass now allows glass to be fabricated in sizes and structural configurations not previously conceivable. The standards and codes have not kept up. Achieving a comprehensive consensus standard is difficult, so voluntary specifications serve a useful purpose as we move forward with using glass as a structural material. This paper is a critical look at current standards, some common myths about glass design and provides a framework to design confidently and safely with structural glass. At the time of the conference it is anticipated that the Structural Glass Design Manual will be available in final public format for comment.

Richard Green SE PE P.Eng CPEng
Principal / Owner
Green Facades LLC

Andrew Crosby P.Eng LEED® AP BD+C
Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.

Terrence McDonnell SE SECB PE P.Eng
Klein & Hoffman
Paper content
The United States, along with much of the world, lacks standardized practices for utilizing glass as a structural material in buildings. Over the past decade, several challenges have
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