Specifying Commercial Aluminum Finishes
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Many factors will influence coating selection, but to achieve the desired performance level for a given situation, coatings must be specified based upon their resin and pigment chemistries. Fluoropolymer resins—which include Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and Fluoroethylene vinyl ether (FEVE)—are high performers and are the most widely known resin types available to the fenestration industry for both liquid-applied and powder-applied coatings.
The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) is the leading trade association representing residential and commercial fenestration. AAMA standards 2603 (for good performance), 2604 (for high performance), and 2605 (for superior performance) are the most commonly referenced coating standards worldwide for painted fenestration products. The AAMA standards describe test procedures and performance requirements for organic coatings applied to aluminum extrusions and panels. The performance tests that are of most concern to end users are adhesion, film integrity and weatherability, particularly UV resistance. Tests that are specific to weatherability measure a coating’s color retention, chalk resistance, gloss retention, and corrosion resistance.
Just as coating chemistries are always being improved, testing and assessment methods are continually being evaluated and improved. Task groups will continue to prioritize research into:
- Accelerated testing methods, which include intensifying the amount of natural sunlight on test panels, in order to more quickly deliver useful and accurate weathering data for coatings.
- Best practices in terms of scientific color standards.
- Corrosion definition and testing, with a goal of better correlating real-world coating performance with test results.

Ben Mitchell, MBA
Sales Manager
AkzoNobel Coatings
Commercial aluminum wall, window, and roof systems have undergone improvements in recent decades, making them technologically sufficient to meet contemporary standards for sustainability and durability. The performance of these structural
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Background: An Overview of Coating Chemistry
Whether liquid or powder, coatings are comprised of two principal ingredients: resin and pigment. The most important part of a coating is its resin. A resin binds the coating to
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Test Methods
The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) is the leading trade association representing residential and commercial fenestration. AAMA standards 2603, 2604, and 2605 are the most commonly referenced coating standards worldwide
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Conclusion and Future Work
Just as coating chemistries are always being improved, testing and assessment methods are continually being evaluated and improved. Task groups will continue to prioritize research into:
Accelerated testing methods, whichAccess Restricted
AkzoNobel would like to thank the American Architectural Manufacturers Association for their support and diligence in investigating the best procedures for testing the performance characteristics of coatings.
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American Architectural Manufacturers Association. "AAMA 2603: Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for Pigmented Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panels," Schaumburg, IL: American Architectural Manufacturers Association, 2013.
American Architectural Manufacturers Association. "AAMA 2604: Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for High Performance Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panels." Schaumburg, IL: American Architectural Manufacturers Association, 2013.
American Architectural Manufacturers Association. "AAMA 2605: Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for Superior Performing Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panels," Schaumburg, IL: American Architectural Manufacturers Association, 2013.
American Architectural Manufacturers Association. "Visual Assessment Study Finds Hunter Color Space Acceptable." http://aamanet.org/news/amc-co... (accessed August 4, 2017).
Battelle.org. "Florida Materials Research Facility." https://www.battelle.org/comme... (accessed August 14, 2017).
Hunterlab. 2012. "Measuring Color using Hunter L, a, b versus CIE 1976 L*a*b." Reston, VA: Hunter Associates Laboratory.
Hunterlab. "Brief Explanation of delta E or delta E*." https://support.hunterlab.com/hc/en-us/articles/203023559-Brief-Explanation-of-delta-E-or-delta-E- (accessed August 4, 2017).
Hunterlab. "About Us." https://www.hunterlab.com/abou... (accessed August 4, 2017).
Q-Lab. "Arizona Outdoor Exposure Testing." http://www.q-lab.com/test-serv... (accessed August 14, 2017).
Q-Lab. "Q-Trac Sunlight Concentrator Testing." http://www.q-lab.com/test-serv... (accessed August 14, 2017).