Process of Repair Evaluation
Case Studies of Translucent Silicone Coating Repairs
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As the building stock ages around the country and the consequences of design and/or construction that are deficient or lack resiliency become apparent, it will become a challenge to find comprehensive solutions to address facade maintenance and repairs. Unlike roofing, where an industry standard has been established requiring roofing systems maintenance and periodic replacement, the conversation and practice of replacement or extension of the service life of the facade have not been as extensively developed, much less routinely incorporated into property management planning. One of, if not the most, common facade-related issues is water intrusion. Repairs or rehabilitation of exterior facades to address water intrusion range in complexity and costs and are frequently major financial investments for building owners. In the past, options have included restoration of the cladding finishes, partial isolated repairs, over-cladding, or full reskinning. The selected repair is dependent upon many factors including: the design of the original building, sources and extent of the water intrusion, and ownership priorities, among other things.
This paper discusses the process of addressing facade-related water infiltration at two different projects in Southern California, one originally constructed with adhered thin-brick over a cementitious stucco base coat and the other originally constructed with integrally-colored cementitious stucco. The selected water leakage mitigation method in both cases was to utilize a translucent, surface-applied silicone-based coating over the existing facade. This paper discusses the evaluation process that made this repair option a reasonable and effective solution for these specific projects.

Linda Fu, RA, LEED AP
Marx|Okubo Associates

Christopher Morgan, P.E.
California Office Manager
As the building stock ages around the country and the consequences of design and/or construction that are deficient or lack resiliency become apparent, it will become a challenge to find
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Case Study #1 was a property which included two five-story office buildings owned by an institutional client who was interested holding the property and wanted to maintain the resell value
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The evaluation of the repair approach is a key step in the repair process. There are two primary aspects of the evaluation, which are client interests and goals, and the
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Application Procedures and Precautions
In the two case studies, there were application considerations that became crucial to a successful application. Job site and environmental conditions were important for coating type applications and performance. Due
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Conclusion and Future Work
In completing the exterior façade repairs with a translucent silicone coating in Case Studies#1 and #2, the process of evaluation and installation resulted in a successful repair project with success
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