Novel Techniques for Facade Optimization
Multi-Objective Formfinding of Building Enclosures
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Complex freeform architectural enclosures are becoming increasingly popular and easy to model and design with the help of modern computational tools. As a consequence, concerns are raised of how to realize and produce the design in a feasible and affordable way. Often, this process, which in the building industry is referred to as rationalization, normally takes place at the end of the design process, while if it is considered at an early stage, the greatest gains can be made. This paper describes a problem-solving procedure, which - in a computational environment – provides the designer with options for geometry optimization. Different options of visualizing an optimization problem are also presented.
This study explores formfinding of building forms and enclosures with a multi-objective optimization approach, since most real design projects have several different aspects to consider when rationalization is performed. These are often more or less conflicting, resulting in many different solutions where trade-offs can be made in order to find a desired result.
While the implementation of modern computational techniques in the design process enables the designer to explore many different design solutions, a key role for the designer is to evaluate and judge the different solutions to determine where trade-offs can be made in order to find a desired result.

Viktoria Henriksson
Thornton Thomasetti
The architecture and structural engineering industry have during the past decades undergone a digital revolution. Research on surfaces in geometric modeling took a big leap at the end of the
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Design Theory
This section presents different design approaches. It also highlights the use of computational and parametric design, in particular with an optimization approach embedded into the design scripting.
Top-Down &
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Multi-Objective Optimization in a Parametric Environment
Along with the ability to specify the main design parameters (Fig. 6), the multi-objective formfinding approach allows for the application of other pseudo-objectives such as planarization and smoothing forces to
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Conclusion and Future Work
Façade rationalization and optimization is becoming increasingly important in the building industry. The use of computational tools and parametric modeling allow the designer to incorporate a set of input constrains
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The author would like to acknowledge Maria Hult and James Richardsson for their advice and assistance in this work.
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