Integrated Building Control System
Field Deployment and Evaluation of Integrated Building Control System for Office Buildings
Presented on October 10, 2024 at Facade Tectonics 2024 World Congress
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Integrated management of commercial lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems is considered as one of the most promising building energy-efficiency and demand management strategies. A traditional approach to building automation includes a collection of independent control systems, one for each building end use, with limited or no communication among individual systems or devices such as electric lighting, shading, fenestration, some process loads and HVAC systems.
Significant research has been completed to improve the overall energy-efficiency of end-use devices and reduce operating hours through automated control. However, few accounted for the interdependence of lighting, fenestration and HVAC systems in an effort to improve the overall indoor environment.
The project goal was to refine, install and evaluate a pre-commercial Integrated Building Control System (IBCS) under real-world conditions to demonstrate the feasibility of an integrated controls approach and validate its potential for improving commercial building energy efficiency and demand flexibility. To do this, the project established a communication platform that lighting, fenestration and HVAC industries, refined control algorithms to optimize the performance of the individual building systems with respect to energy savings and occupant comfort, and verified system operation and costs in a real-world building.
A small-scale IBCS was installed and tested in a laboratory space equipped with an HVAC unit, an actuated window, actuated roller shades, 2x4 LED troffers, and a suite of various monitoring and control devices. After the lab test, the IBCS was deployed in a 2,068 sf office building at UC Davis campus.
The field deployment and building energy modeling results verified system design, procurement, installation and commissioning under real-world conditions for the new technology at scale. Project outcomes show that the IBCS can reduce HVAC, lighting and shading loads by 10 to 40 percent over typical baseline systems depending on building application, size, location, geometry and climate zone.

Jae Yong Suk, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Design, Associate Director of California Lighting Technology Center
University of California, Davis

Keith Graeber, PE
Director of Engineering
University of California, Davis

Andrew Harper, PE
R&D Engineer IV
University of California, Davis

Michael Siminovitch, Ph.D.
Director of California Lighting Technology Center
University of California, Davis
Paper content
A traditional approach to building automation includes a collection of independent control systems, one for each building end use, with limited or no communication among individual systems or
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This project was supported by the California Energy Commission's Energy Research and Development Division.
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