Innovations with Glass
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Glass has become a popular building material that is used not only for windows but also as a load-bearing material. New dimensions of glass panes in all directions, in the dimensions length and width and in the thickness directions (thicker and thinner) are available on the market. New functions can be integrated into the glass panes. There are innovative vacuum insulating glass panes, for example, which fulfill high insulating properties with low component thicknesses. With switchable glass interlayers, further new functions can be linked to the glass, from shading to information display and interaction with humans.
The new dimensions and functions make innovative structures possible, but it also requires new knowledge in dimensioning. In order to test the strength of thin glass, a reproducible test method was still missing. The TU Darmstadt has designed a testing machine that can test thin glass reproducibly. In order to be able to better assess the strength of architectural glass and to be able to carry out the design more economically, it is worth taking a look at the edge strength of glass. The post-fracture behaviour is also a special task in glass construction. The prediction of the fracture pattern and the fragment size plays an important role.
This article deals with new dimensions in building with glass using the currently available geometric sizes of glass (dimensions, thin glass, thick glass), new functionalities through lamination, vacuum insulating glass, and the integration of switchable layers. Results of current research work related to thin glass, edge stress and fragmentation of thermally tempered glass at the TU Darmstadt are presented.

Jens Schneider
Institute of Structural Mechanics and Design, Glass Competence Center
S. Müller-Braun
Institute of Structural Mechanics and Design, Glass Competence Center
T. Peters
Institute of Structural Mechanics and Design, Glass Competence Center
M. Schuster
Institute of Structural Mechanics and Design, Glass Competence Center
1. Introduction
Glass as a building material has become as established as traditional building materials such as concrete, steel or timber. Architects and engineers use it to design, dimension, construct and execute
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2. New dimensions of architectural glass
2.1 Pane size – mega-sized flat glass panes
The dimensions of flat glass panes available on the market have substantially increased. Whereas earlier an available size of 3.21 m x
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3. New functionalities
3.1 Hybrid vacuum insulation glass
The current standard for heat protection glazing in architecture is triple glazing (EnEV, 2014; Feist, 2007). However, the use of triple glazing also has disadvantages: significantly
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4. News related to calculation, simulation and research in building with glass
4.1 Mechanical test method for thin glass
The biggest problem in testing the strength of thin glass and the resulting tension stress is the non-linearity stemming from the large deformations. When
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5. Conclusion and Future Work
Building with glass evolved from a simple material for windows and cladding to a high-tech product with many fields of applications in the construction industry. Glass is not only the
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