Impact Of Thermal Bridges On The Energy Response Of A Building
Evaluation Of The Thermal Bridges Due To The Anchoring System Of A Prefabricated Façade System For Retrofit
Presented on October 13, 2022 at Facade Tectonics 2022 World Congress
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The European building stock is mainly constituted by highly energy demanding buildings. The only way to a more sustainable and decarbonized building stock is through its massive renovation. Furthermore, in order to meet the performance objectives by the European Directives within the 2050 it is necessary to drastically increase the deep renovation rate. Hence, this study is related to the application of timber based multifunctional prefabricated facades for existing buildings retrofit reducing the heating demand by the 68%. In particular, the facade panels are fixed to the existing structure by means of steel punctual anchorages which are inevitably generating a thermal bridge in the connection area. Another relevant thermal bridge is due to the vertical and horizonal joints between facade modules. Despite the presence of these criticalities is known, usually they are not considered in the energy performance analysis at building level. This study evaluates the effects of these thermal bridges on the overall performances through finite element tridimensional models. It has been estimated that those thermal bridges have a 3% influence on building energy performances. Furthermore, special attention has been paid for the cavity around the anchoring system, evaluating the effects of adding mineral wool insulation to minimize the thermal bridge. Thanks to this, a 20% reduction for the heating demand of the simulated building has been calculated.

Ilaria Sebastiani
Institute for Renewable Energy
EURAC Research

Riccardo Pinotti
Institute for Renewable Energy
EURAC Research

Stefano Avesani
Institute for Renewable Energy
EURAC Research

Simone D’Amore
Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering
Sapienza University of Rome

Stefano Pampanin
Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering
Sapienza University of Rome
About 75% of the existing building stock in Europe has been built between the 1945 and 1989, hence having high energy demand. The 90% of the buildings is below EPC
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Considering the need for several punctual anchoring system in order to install the prefabricated facade modules, this study intends to evaluate the influence of such components on the energy performances
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In order to evaluate the energy performances of the building after the renovation, the thermal bridges created by the anchoring system as well as those generated in horizontal and vertical
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Thermal Analyses
This paragraph describes the analyses on thermal bridges generated by the anchoring system and related to joints between prefabricated modules. The prefabricated facade modules for retrofit are designed to be
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Results of Thermal Analyses
Figure 8 shows the results of the analyses performed on the two sections described in Figure 6. It can be seen that, near the anchoring section, isotherm lines are no
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Energy Performance Evaluation on Building Level
After having quantified the thermal bridge due to the anchoring system, their effects on the global energy performances of the building have been calculated, considering the presence of different prefabricated
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Conclusions and Future Work
This study has highlighted that performing a retrofit using prefabricated multifunctional modules can significantly improve the energy demand of a building. A relevant aspect to be mentioned is the effect
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