Blast Performance

Modeling Case Study of SSG



Designing for blast performance for glazing units can be very complex. The test methods for evaluating performance include subjecting units to actual or simulated blast conditions, which occur rapidly on a very short time scale. Connecting laminated glass to a metal frame using structural silicone sealant creates a unique composite based on the use of a brittle plate with an elastic soft rubber to a ductile rigid metal.

Glazed units were tested with a shock tube charged with various levels of explosive to record the damage development with various modes of failure of the material. Two test results were modeled to compare to the actual observations. Based on the outcome, techniques for effective modeling are discussed as well as future needs.


Photo of Jon Kimberlain

Jon Kimberlain

Principal TS&D Scientist


Photo of Jie Feng

Jie Feng

Research Scientist


Photo of Will Wholey

Will Wholey



Photo of Dan Aggromito

Dan Aggromito

Senior Consultant


Photo of Valérie Hayez

Valérie Hayez

Principal Scientist



Paper content


Aesthetic desires to provide transparency in podium levels of buildings increase the potential use of glass in its construction. These lower levels of a building are most vulnerable for

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