Art, Science, and Technology of the Building Skin


We envision a future that fully realizes the potential of the building facade to create delightful, human-supportive, sustainable and resilient built environments.


We promote innovation in the art, science and technology of the building facade in pursuit of accelerating change in the performance of built environments.

Mission Strategy

We accomplish this mission with the following core strategies:

  • Develop active members who are thought leaders from across the building industry.
  • Serve as a platform for knowledge-sharing and active communication between industry players.
  • Provide highest quality education, actively sharing new knowledge.
  • Initiate actions to bridge industry silos and fill targeted knowledge gaps between them.
  • Do not displace or compete with existing organizations, but partner and collaborate with them.

Value Proposition

The Facade Tectonics Institute is advancing the art, science, and technology of the building skin through research, practice, and education, including:

  • Expanding recognition and understanding of the integral role the facade system plays in resilience, sustainability, energy efficiency, durability, health and productivity in buildings and urban habitat.
  • Building a collaborative, facade-based action-oriented dialogue bridging industry silos and filling key knowledge gaps.
  • Accelerating innovation and tangible improvements in buildings and urban habitat through strategic facade-based initiatives.
  • Providing the industry-leading platform for building facade knowledge-sharing, communication and collaboration.

The Institute embraces the following tenets and core values:

  • Membership
    engaging and elevating a broad based and inclusive membership through pursuit of the Institute’s Mission
  • Nonprofit
    optimized revenue streams reinvested in knowledge asset creation for the betterment of people, society, urban habitat, and the planet
  • Material Independent
    free from vested interests in any singular material, product or process
  • Global
    developing intellectual capital for international markets
  • Change Agent
    facilitating change in a risk-averse industry
  • Innovation
    pursuing innovation in all work processes, products, and operations
  • Nexus
    exploring intersections of art, science, technology, and education at the building skin
  • Research
    promoting a broad-based agenda that emphasizes independent research and the development of robust, publicly available strategic knowledge assets
  • Education
    advancing educational programs and initiatives that enable professional development and the rapid evolution of facade technology
  • Practice
    providing practical, real world solutions for the betterment of humanity through the advancement of building facade technology
  • Integration
    bridging and filling the gaps between the silos that comprise the building industry, through collaborative dialogue and action
  • Knowledge Base
    developing accessible archives and repositories of strategic knowledge assets, and tools to promote easy and open access
  • Resilient–Sustainable–Regenerative
    promoting a healthy, resilient, sustainable, and ultimately, a regenerative built environment