Building a neutral platform for knowledge sharing is one of our strategic objectives. We are committed to providing deep knowledge assets with tools and processes that promote easy and open access.
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As a member-based non-profit, our membership is comprised of thought leaders from across the building industry doing the urgent work of moving the built environment toward critical health, resilience and sustainability objectives. The facade system is pivotal to this endeavor – amplify your impact by joining us in collective action!
We are a non-profit member organization intent on moving buildings and urban habitat toward resilience and sustainability goals by leveraging the pervasive influence of the building skin.
EJES ACADÉMICOS5° Foro Fachadas Internacional 2025Fachadas y tecnologías regionales¿Cómo superar la brecha tecnológica en fachadas?Diseño y calidad¿El cliente está dispuesto a apostar por más?La irrupción de sistemas constructivos industrializadosSteel-frame, paneles SIP, CLT, Mass Timber, Impresión 3D y nuevas oportunidades y desafíosACADEMIC LINES5th International Facades Forum 2025Facades and regional technologiesHow to overcome the technological gap in facades?Design and qualityIs the client willing to bet on more?The emergence of industrialized construction systemsSteel-frame, SIP panels, CLT, Mass Timber, 3D printing, and new opportunities and challenges