Session 1C | Room 228 | Façade Performance — Ron Hull, moderator

Paper Presentations followed by 5 min Q&A

Windborne Debris Impacts on Facades
Angela Mejorin

EVA Interlayers in Hardened Facades
Nicholas Oberts • Mark K. Weaver • Phillip Benshoof

Blast Performance
Jon Kimberlain • Jie Feng • Will Wholey • Dan Aggromito • Valerie Hayez


The conference program is subject to change without prior notice. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information presented in the program, unforeseen circumstances may necessitate alterations to the schedule, speakers, sessions, or venues. The conference organizers reserve the right to make such changes as necessary.

Attendees are encouraged to regularly check the conference website and the event's official communication channels for the latest updates. The organizers shall not be held responsible for any inconvenience or loss caused by program modifications.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.