Steve Fronek P.E., an expert on fenestration design from Wausau Window and Wall Systems will provide a how-to guide for specifying fenestration and meeting more stringent U-Factor requirements. He will also explain why consideration of U-Factor alone is not enough to deliver optimum performance in buildings.
Dr. Helen Sanders will explain why the edge matters – both the frame and the glass edge – as well as how the details of the insulating glass edge can impact both thermal performance and long-term durability. Attendees will understand how best to evaluate and specify the edge of insulating glass units to achieve thermal performance for the long term.
Thermal bridging also plays a major role in reducing the expected thermal performance of facade systems. Stephane Hoffmann of Morrison and Hershfield will present the key findings of the ASHRAE Research Report 1365 and how it addresses the analysis of the impact of thermal bridging. Participants will learn how 3D thermal modeling is used to calculate the effective thermal performance of facade systems using clear field U-values for assemblies and linear transmittances to account for the additional heat loss at interfaces.
Finally, we will review how to assess occupant thermal comfort using ASHRAE Standard 55 methodology, using non-uniform mean radiant temperature created near the building envelope and the impact of direct solar radiation. Participants will have the ability to use on-line software tools to evaluate and compare how fenestration performance impacts occupant comfort.
Workshop Objectives: