If you have not yet done so, review Facade Product Development Award description.
Please prepare the materials outlined below (as available and relevant) in order to successfully complete the online submission form, which is best done in a single session.
We encourage that submissions be developed as a collaborative effort between the contributing product development team, including design, marketing, and others as relevant.
The product must have been launched in the marketplace within the current and past two calendar years.
All members of the development team must be credited.
Members of the jury credited in the entry, or whose organization of employment is credited in an entry, will be recused from judging the submission.
Submission form and deliverables must be completed by the submission deadline.
Any questions? Contact vitruvius@facadetectonics.org
Project Name
Product Owner/Marketer
Product Developer (if not the same as owner/marketer)
Market Launch Date (month/YYYY)
Basic product description and application (100 words/750 characters max.)
Product EPD (provide if available)
Describe the development team constituents, including internal departmental participants (research, design, marketing, sales, etc.) as well as any outside consultants. Name the individuals/firms that should be credited with the product development:
Give us your story of the product and its development (500 words/3750 characters max). Include as much of the following as relevant to the story:
Product Application
Material(s) Used
Description of the Assembly
Important: Describe the development process from concept to roll out.
Description of any potentially positive disruptive influence on the building/facades industry as a whole.
Target Market (identify the generic consumer/buyer of the product)
Description of Supply Chain
History of mockups, prototypes, and product testing.
Case study examples of product applications.
Post-launch Performance Evaluation (verified performance; provide any available data)
Market Adoption (provide data related to sales growth)
Other: Any other available data, information, or description that may assist the jury in the evaluation of your submission.
Describe the benefits the product provides to facade system and building performance, particularly with respect to resilience and sustainability. Provide quantitative analysis and/or qualitative description of the sustainability and resilience attributes of the product. Cite relevant metrics. These may include carbon emission reductions (both operational and embodied carbon), health, safety and wellness benefits, contributions to daylighting, water/energy harvesting, and biophilic attributes, passive survivability, or others. (500 words/3750 characters max.)
If an outstanding collaborative effort is central to the story, you may consider also submitting for the Collaborative Achievement Award.
If an individual played an outsized role in the development of the product, you may consider also submitting for the Unsung Hero Award.
Provide a selection of product images, drawings, or other visuals accompanied by a descriptive caption for each. These may include images of the product itself, during development or testing, and in application. Diagrams and representations of the development process can be particularly helpful.
Headshots and short biographies for all named development team members should also be provided. Please review Visualization section below.
Images and drawings should be submitted as a single PDF file and should be medium to high resolution. Links to any video or animated components may be noted in the narrative description of the submission.
The total submission file size cannot exceed 50 MB.
All submissions will be reviewed, but the following format—while not required—is highly recommended to best represent your project to the jury for consideration.
You will be required to provide copyright information and captions for each image provided. For the benefit of the jury, please be as descriptive as possible in your captions.
Participation in the FTI Vitruvian Honors & Awards Program requires consent to the following:
All submitted text and images are provided with the understanding that they may be used in Institute media, including the FTI website, press releases, award announcements, and various means of promoting the 2025 Vitruvian Honors & Awards Ceremony. Copyright clearance and payment of any fees for artwork and images included in the submittal is to be organized by the submitter prior to submission. FTI will properly identify all materials with the appropriate copyright notice and credit line as provided by submitter during the upload process.
Submitters will be required to provide written confirmation representing their rights to the ownership and/or use of all provided materials and granting permission to the Facade Tectonics Institute for the unrestricted use of same. A form granting such permission will be provided and required with each submission.
Any questions? Contact vitruvius@facadetectonics.org
Ready to submit a project for consideration? Please complete online submission form in accordance with the deadline.